Berkshire Bank Foundation
Pioneer Valley, MA
Special announcement from the Foundation:
We are excited to announce the winners of Berkshire Bank Foundation's Summer of Excitement $25,000 Giveaway. Our $5,000 regional winners include: Berkshire County, MA: Berkshire Choral Festival, Pioneer Valley, MA: Springfield Technical Community College, New York: Empire State Youth Orchestra, Inc. (ESYO), and Vermont: Casting for Recovery. Our $1,000 area drawing winners include: Berkshire County, MA: Berkshire Dream Center, Pioneer Valley, MA: Link To Libraries, Inc., Capital District New York: Historic Albany Foundation, Central New York: Humane Society of Rome, and Vermont: Rutland County Humane Society.
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Link to Libraries Co-founders Susan Jaye-Kaplan and Janet M. Crimmins thank all of the wonderful people who voted for Link to Libraries on the Facebook Summer Give Away for Berkshire Bank Foundation. Without your support and vote we would not have received this grant. Thank you on behalf of the many boys and girls who will be receiving new books to own and to build their own home library this fall.