Drew DiGiorgio

Drew DiGiorgio

President & Chief Executive Officer, Wellfleet

Why is Supporting Link to Libraries a Priority for You? Reading is a lifelong tool. So, making it fun for kids, and seeing their appreciation of a good story is extremely fulfilling. Reading allows for more than just learning. It expands imagination, allows for self-awareness and fosters creativity.

What was Your Favorite Book as a Child? As an Adult?  As a kid, Danny and the Dinosaur was totally my speed. Nowadays, I mostly read nonfiction books like Outliers by Malcom Gladwell.

Favorite Reading Memory? My favorite reading experience is actually my daughter's. As a young adult, she would make an annual reading list and created her own blog to talk about the books she read. She read 100 books her freshman year in high school!

How Does Reading Play a Role in Your Life Today? Reading is more of a tool for me today than entertainment. I enjoy topical reading; newsletters like the "Morning Brew", Wall Street Journal articles, or books on professional growth and development. 

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